Monday, December 03, 2012

Moving out of "comfort zone"

This year I did something which I had not done earlier ever in my life. It was a year of moving "out of comfort zone".
What is meant by "comfort zone". Wikipedia defines a comfort zone as a behavioural state within which a person operates in an anxiety-neutral condition, using a limited set of behaviours to deliver a steady level of performance, usually without a sense of risk.
So as is evident from the definition, we usually create comfort zones, protective cocoons for ourselves, one in which we feel comfortable & can relax. For good reason, we also decide in our mind that we cannot go beyond these "zones" as well.
Sometimes in our lives it is a good practice to break these comfort zones & step out of it.
A very good example of this is depicted in the movie Zindagi Na Milegi Dobara, where each friend in the movie urges the other 2 friends to come out of his "comfort zone" by doing an activity which they are "scared" of. Scuba diving, sky diving & bull fight are the 3 examples of the activities which they decide to undertake to move out of "zones".
I fear heights & the pull in the stomach which comes from going against gravity e.g. the rush you get when  you go down a giant wheel.
So this year I did something which I felt was one step towards removing this fear & experiencing a never before feeling - moving out of comfort zone

I did a Valley Crossing & whats more, seeing this even my son was able to do it. The rush I got after seeing myself do it was unbelievable.

The other activity which I did was Para sailing

After performing both these activities, I can definitely say that I have overcome some fears associated with heights, but need to do more.
Next year sky diving..!..

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